Friday letters: Imagine Schools have many successes

admin Imagine Schools in the news

“The St. Petersburg Times’ redundant article and editorial this week on Imagine Schools unfairly characterizes an organization with a positive history educating thousands of Florida students. The unbalanced reporting greatly overstated the challenges at Imagine St. Petersburg as well as diminished its positive progress both in finances and academics. Corrective action will eliminate the debt over the next three years. …

Statement of Jason Bryant on Biased Policy Report

admin Imagine Schools in the news

Cleveland, OH (May 13, 2010) — Jason Bryant, Executive Vice President of Imagine Schools, today issued the following statement in response to the release of the Policy Matters Ohio Report on Imagine Schools: “The attack on Imagine Schools by Policy Matters Ohio is not surprising given its union associations and history of bias against charter schools. The report is political …

LETTER; Judging Charter Schools

admin Imagine Schools in the news

To the Editor: We are appalled by your depiction of Imagine Schools in ”For Charter School Company, Issues of Spending and Control” (front page, April 24). The true tests of successful schools, whether charter or traditional, are parent satisfaction and student achievement. Why not spotlight the 37,000 Imagine Schools students who are learning character and leadership along with reading, history …

Open Letter Response to the New York Times

admin Imagine Schools in the news

This past Saturday’s New York Times misled its readers and mischaracterized Imagine Schools’ true impact in so many communities. We are disappointed by the bias and lack of balance. As the largest charter school operator, we expect critics, especially from those with agendas against friendly competition, but we also expect fairness. Throughout the numerous rounds of interviews, the reporter expressed …

Pair Break Barriers for Charter Schools

admin Imagine Schools in the news

“They won a legal battle to force Maryland to increase public funding for charter schools more than 60 percent. They opened two charter schools in Prince George’s County and befriended the superintendent there even though the county had a reputation as hostile to the charter movement. They run one of the largest charter school networks in the country. Yet Dennis …