Is STAR Helpful in Increasing my Student’s Performance on the State Test?

National Academic and Character Team Databits

We know that STAR provides excellent information for a teacher regarding their students’ and classes’ particular strengths and weaknesses and suggestions as to what are the next instructional steps to take on both levels. However, a question pops up at times regarding whether the instructional directions implied by an analysis of STAR results will optimally benefit the student and school …

Red, Green – Why are colors showing differently on various reports?

National Academic and Character Team Databits

As part of the steadfast support that we provide our family of 55 campuses across the country, the Imagine Schools National Organization partners with various groups to provide our schools with proven solutions that accelerate student learning. One such partnership is with Renaissance and STAR Assessments. Since 2014, Renaissance has provided our teachers with the critical data needed to assess …