by National Academic and Character Team | Feb 10, 2022 | Databits
“A BAD NUMBER IS WORSE THAN NO NUMBER AT ALL” A short story: On a trip to London, I throw caution and budget to the wind and head into the shop of one of the finest tailors on Seville Row to have a new suit made. After the initial pleasantries, the tailor asks me what...
by National Academic and Character Team | Nov 16, 2020 | Databits
As part of the steadfast support that we provide our family of 55 campuses across the country, the Imagine Schools National Organization partners with various groups to provide our schools with proven solutions that accelerate student learning. One such partnership is...
by National Academic and Character Team | May 16, 2019 | Databits
This question really cuts to the core of our understanding of computer adaptive assessments such as STAR as well as the instructional use and interpretation of grade level standards. Computer Adaptive Tests (CAT): The assessment tool adopted by Imagine Schools (STAR...
by National Academic and Character Team | Jul 18, 2017 | Databits
The subject of Growth and Proficiency has been coming up in the literature a lot lately. This may be a good thing for us, as Imagine has been leading the call to focus on student growth rather than proficiency for a long time now. Matt Barnum, in a recent article in...