It is with great pride and excitement we announce the designation of six Imagine Schools as 2019 National Schools of Character by Character.org.
Congratulations to the following schools on their achievement!
Imagine Cortez Park – Arizona
Imagine Hope Lamond – Washington, D.C.
Imagine North Port (K-12) – Florida
Imagine South Vero – Florida
Imagine Town Center (recertified a second time) – Florida
Imagine West Melbourne – Florida

Their diligent work all year long, and the completion of a comprehensive application to demonstrate alignment to the 11 Principles of Effective Character Education, has earned these school teams the highest honors awarded by Character.org. The process to achieve School of Character designation assists schools in taking a deeper look at their character development practices to find pathways for continuous improvement.
The schools honored this year join 12 fellow Imagine Schools’ campuses, for a total of 18 National Schools of Character nationwide.
Imagine South Lake – 2010 & recertified in 2016
Imagine Weston – 2014
Imagine Town Center – 2014 & recertified in 2019
Imagine Evening Rose – 2015
Imagine East Mesa – 2017
Imagine Desert West – 2017
Imagine Prep Surprise – 2017
Imagine Firestone – 2017
Imagine Chancellor – 2017
Imagine Bella – 2018
Imagine Great Western – 2018
Imagine Land O’Lakes – 2018
Imagine Rosefield – 2018
Imagine Cortez Park – 2019
Imagine North Port (K-12) – 2019
Imagine West Melbourne – 2019
Imagine South Vero – 2019
Imagine Hope Lamond – 2019
We are proud of our schools’ achievements in character development and hope the list of campuses considering this growth opportunity continues to grow each year.
The 2018-2019 school year resulted in significant recognition for all of the hard work our campus leaders put in every day. Character education is truly a defining asset of the Imagine experience. It is an approach to school culture and climate improvement that supports the social, emotional and ethical development of students. It is the proactive and intentional effort by schools, communities and states to help students develop important core ethical (recognizing what’s right) and performance (doing what’s right) values such as empathy, honesty, diligence, fairness, fortitude, responsibility, grit, creativity, critical thinking and respect for self and others. Lastly, it is something we hold in the highest regard on every Imagine campus.
We acknowledge the hard work of all Imagine staff members to educate the hearts and minds of students. Every Imagine ambassador that interacts with the students we serve, is a character educator. Thank you for what you do every day to help students grow into their full-potential!
Visit www.character.org to learn more about the National Forum, the Schools of Character Certification (State & National) and the 2019 national honorees.
Imagine Schools is a national non-profit network of public charter schools preparing students for lives of leadership, accomplishment and exemplary character.